Charles Pygall

Charles joined Vapour in 2015, as a former director of an established alcohol group. Vapour has been a breath of fresh air to Charles, who enjoys working in such a dynamic industry with such passionate people. Charles is a valued member of many vaping forums and will wax lyrical about his last cigarette, over 10 years ago – yes, Charles has been a long-time vaper and has managed to come down to just 3mg over the space of 2 years using our Evod nicotine reduction kit! When Charles isn’t at Vapour HQ, you’ll almost certainly find him on the links, in the rough, on hole 5 – already 3 over par.

Is Sitting Down Worse Than Smoking?

If you're an advocate of vaping blogs, you'll often see posts slating cigarettes and the health risks associated with them.…

6 years ago

Stoptober could help the last 7 million smokers quit!

‘Stop for 28 days and you’re five times more likely to quit’, is the ever-successful motto of Stoptober; a campaign…

8 years ago

Contradictions, confusion and cop-outs: Why E-cigarette laws need reviewing

We discuss the new legislation surrounding marketing laws in our article, Contradictions, confusion and cop-outs: Why E-cigarette laws need reviewing.

8 years ago