Chris Polenski

Welcome to the new

Welcome to the new, your new home for all things e-cig, e-liquid and vaping. We've overhauled our full site,…

5 years ago

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath Before it Gets Rid of your Friends

If you have bad breath, you may not realise it. The truth is it’s hard to smell your own breath.…

6 years ago

[Infographic] How much does smoking cost the UK?

Here at Vapour, we strive to deliver you the facts on smoking cessation and guide you in your journey along…

6 years ago

How To: Beginners Guide to the EVOD 650 by Vapour

  Presenting the stylish Evod 650 electronic cigarette kit from vapour. The EVOD 650 is truly an ingenious device and…

6 years ago

Juul is to release a ‘smart’ Juul

You'll have to forgive us for harping on about the Juul so much lately, but this is genuinely interesting news:…

6 years ago

The Vapour Guide to E-Liquid

E-liquid. It's one-third of the Holy Trio of Vaping Without Which There Would Be No Vaping (the others being the…

6 years ago

Cleito vs Clieto: A Case Study in Vaping Names

Aspire Cleito: A Naming Case Study Look, it's news to precisely no one that the world of vaping is littered…

6 years ago

Should I Buy Cheap Eliquid?

"The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten" - Benjamin Franklin Franklin is…

6 years ago

The Vapour Guide to Choosing a Beginner Vape Kit

Congratulations! If you're reading this, it's probably because you've decided to stop smoking tobacco and switch over to vaping. In…

6 years ago

Mixing your own e-liquid

As the world of vaping matures, a smaller and smaller proportion of people who vape are considered 'new'. For sure,…

7 years ago