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The Unexpected Benefits of Vaping

Other than the obvious benefits of saving you a tonne of cash when switching from smoking to vaping, we thought we’d reveal the most unexpected benefits from vaping.

Best snacks to vape with

What if you didn’t choose to simply snack, or to solely vape? By combining the two, vapers have the option of experiencing new flavours and experiences. So what are the best snacks to vape with?

Study indicates vaping can help body builders maintain their physique!

It goes without saying that E-cigarettes are widely championed nowadays as a healthy alternative to poisonous tobacco cigarettes; vape pens allow users to mimic the feeling of smoking without inhaling all the nasties that come in a regular cigarette (rat poison, tar, we could go on…)

However, what is less widely recognised is the fact that recent studies suggest that e-cigarettes are actually a great way to get ripped.

E-cig Regulation For All Nations

Two major rulings on e-cigarette regulations took place on the very same day last week. May the 4th was once a date of celebration for Star Wars fans, it will now be remembered as the day vaping received its final judgement.

So you want to be a vaper?

Vapers often find that those with the least knowledge about the industry are the first to offer their (not-so-well-informed) opinions. It’s gotten to the stage where it’s refreshing to meet another fellow vaper in public. Some would even say to fully understand what it’s like to vape, you have to be or have been one yourself. Maybe. In response to this claim, we’ve collected some of the best images and funniest memes that truly represent what it feels like to be a vaper.

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