
Welcome to the new

Welcome to the new, your new home for all things e-cig, e-liquid and vaping. We've overhauled our full site,…

5 years ago

Juul is to release a ‘smart’ Juul

You'll have to forgive us for harping on about the Juul so much lately, but this is genuinely interesting news:…

7 years ago

Where can you vape in public? A 2018 Update

Vaping occupies a sort of middle ground between harmless outdoor activities, like knocking back a cold Irn Bru on a…

7 years ago

More Evidence on Youth E-cigarette Use

Would you look at us. We're all about the ongoing series (serieses?). This is a follow-up on a post from…

7 years ago

The 2018 VApril Challenge

Well it's April already. It feels like only yesterday we were writing our post about your vaping new year's resolution,…

7 years ago

Vaping Studies and the Value of Good News

Late last week, the Daily Mail, not known for being particularly friendly to the e-cigarette industry (and a dubious source…

7 years ago

Do e-cigarettes encourage kids to smoke?

Welcome back to the Vapour Mythbusting Power Hour, part 3. If you haven't read our first part, (toxic metals in…

7 years ago

Your vape isn’t leaching toxic metals

You may have read, sometime last week, about vaping coils leaching toxic metals into eliquid. It was pretty big news…

7 years ago

Vapes in Hospitals

The government's public health body, Public Health England (PHE), has just released their latest review of the e-cigarettes and heated…

7 years ago

Is ‘Smokeless Tobacco’ the same as ‘Vaping’?

You may have seen the Daily Mail’s recent coverage of a study claiming that smokeless tobacco products are just as…

7 years ago