We’ve been paying careful attention to your feedback over the last few months, and due to popular demand we will soon be stocking the eGo style Electronic Cigarette, which is fast becoming one of the most popular electronic vaping devices available around the world. Along with the standard e-cigs, starter kits, refills and disposables, you will now have the option to get hold of a trusty vape which might just revolutionise your vaping experience.
The eGo is a cost effective vaping device which guarantees satisfying nicotine hits every time. Manufactured according to the certificate of conformity (CE), the eGo has actually caused many people who previously preferred the disposable e-cigarette option to abandon the no-fuss disposable e-cigs due to the eGo’s consistently reliable performance. Just one try is usually enough to convince even the strongest doubters that a trusty eGo is preferable to practically all other styles of electronic cigarette or vaping device.
The Electronic Cigarette’s Bionic Cousin
The eGo vaporiser is relatively similar to the other electronic cigarettes available at Vapourlites, in terms of how they operate, but they differ significantly in appearance. They do not resemble tobacco cigarettes in any way and actually look like a high-tech gadget, which in effect is exactly what they are. This difference can be of great benefit to vapers who often have the need to vape in public spaces where tobacco smoking is frowned upon and vaping not yet established or fully understood. In those situations, puffing on an e-cig that looks very similar to a tobacco cigarette can cause something of a ruckus amongst those ignorant as to what exactly vaping is. Using an eGo e-cig though can help the uninitiated more readily accept the huge difference between real smoking and vaping. It’s another huge step away from real smoking which can only help encourage the general public’s acceptance of vaping.
The other major benefit reported by almost 100% of eGo users, is the significantly higher volume of vapour produced, and the even more realistic throat hit it gives the user. Both of which lead to an enhanced and even more satisfying vape. And of course there is the fact that the battery lasts noticeably longer in between charges.
Similar to the regular e-cigs, the eGo e-cigarette is made up of two main parts: the battery (600mah lithium ion) and the clearomiser – which is a combination of the atomizer and the clear chamber which contains the e-liquid. The clearomiser we’ve opted for is the CE4 – the industry standard for the eGo series, and it can hold up to 1.5ml of e-liquid at a time, which will keep you vaping for a good while before you need to refill.
The battery operates with a push-button system which gives you complete control of your vaping. The indicator light will light-up to show it is working and it will flash to let you know when the battery is running low. The eGo batteries are also ‘memory-free’, which means you don’t have to run the battery down completely before recharging it. Pressing the button 5 times in quick succession will turn the battery on or off – a feature incorporated to stop your e-cig going off by accident when in your pocket or bag.
Also available will be a selection of e-liquids in the most popular flavours and in a range of nicotine strengths so you can find the right liquid for you. Many people love the versatility of an eGo e-cig because with just a few spare clearomizers you can have a variety of flavours and strengths at hand to suit your mood, or the time of day.
So keep an eye out in the Vapourlites online electronic cigarette store as the eGo electronic cigarette will be available soon for you to judge for yourself exactly how good this exceptional vaping device is.